25 random things about me

Op Facebook werd ik getagged door een van mijn vrienden. De bedoeling was dat ik een notitie schreef met 25 dingen over mezelf. Omdat Facebook niet voor iedereen zichtbaar is, zet ik het lijstje hier ook maar even neer. Wel in het Engels, want heb geen zin om het weer te gaan vertalen.

1. I’m missing my cats, Doerak and Gizmo, a lot at the moment
2. Tomorrow is my birthday
3. My greatest passion is scuba diving
4. In about a month I will move from Deurne to Voorburg
5. Last week I started in my new job at the TU Delft
6. When I was about the age of 12, I imitated Kate Bush at “play-back” shows
7. I have a tattoo of 2 dolphins on my left shoulder
8. My mother was born in Indonesia and in 2000 I went to Java and Bali to see where my roots are
9. My sister is going to marry in May
10. I will be her bridesmate as well as the master of ceremonies at her wedding day
11. I really like Sudoku puzzles
12. In September I will do my GUE Cave1 course in France
13. The musician of which I have the most cd’s, is Leonard Cohen
14. On the other hand I also like the music of Within Temptation
15. My favourite kind of food is Indonesian
16. In 2002 and 2003 I worked at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
17. At one meeting I had the opportunity to meet Colin Powels, who was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USA at that moment
18. When I was 8 years old, I played the piano, but I wasn’t as good as Wibi Soerjadi
19. I have been operated 3 times at my eyes
20. Unfortunately I can only see for 15% with my left eye
21. My coldest dive till now was around 1,5 degrees Celsius
22. A couple of weeks ago I had a glimpse underneath the ice
23. My favourite colour is blue
24. I want to start running again, hopefully I can do the 10 km’s in a couple of months
25. I’m glad this is the last thing I have to write……..

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